Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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How our a11y® Analysis Platform Works

We introduced our proprietary automated scanning technology in 2001 and have been improving it ever since. To date, the a11y® analysis platform has scanned and analyzed more than 50,000 websites.

Powerful patent-pending a11y® platform scans web pages for compliance

WCAG 2.1 A/AA has 13 guidelines and 50 checkpoints, each of which has multiple items to check. We’ve programmed the a11y® analysis platform to break down the guidelines and checkpoints into testable components with specific rules and parameters for each case scenario. The server-scanning technology methodically tests public-facing pages of a website against hundreds of rules — so if something can be detected with an automated scan, we’re confident the a11y® analysis will find it.

All violations are organized into specialized databases by issue theme (Media, Structure, Text, Scripting, CSS and Forms) and tie back to the specific WCAG 2.1 A/AA checkpoints. Each report includes the issues discovered, highlighted screenshots to illustrate where the issues are located, suggested techniques to fix each issue, and even an explanation of why the issue is considered an accessibility violation.


Not sure where to start?

Start with a free analysis of your website's accessibility.