Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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Self-Paced Training Courses

The Bureau of Internet Accessibility offers self-paced training courses to help clients educate their staff and become more self-reliant.  Your team can access the training module from anywhere at any time and complete the course at a pace that fits their individual schedules and training aptitude. Each module offers real-life accessibility remediation examples, compiled from the most common accessibility issues BoIA has encountered over the years within our own Book of Business. Passing a quiz is required to move from section to section within the course, so you know that your staff members who receive the Certificate of Completion, have gone through the course and completed the required activities.

Accessibility Best Practices

This course is for people new to accessibility, and covers an overview of the WCAG 2.1 guidelines and breaks them down into easy to understand summaries, as well as offers some instruction on some specific and real-life examples of what to watch for when ensuring your online presence is accessible to everyone.

Please note that every site is different, therefore the best way to present something may be different by site, and can be somewhat subjective. The goal of this training is inform you of the guidelines and to highlight some examples, but each developer will have to extract the themes around the guidelines and put them into practice in the way that most makes sense for your site. Get Accessibility Best Practices course

Mobile Accessibility Best Practice

In this fast-paced world of smartphone technology, a truly functional website must be easily viewable on a wide variety of platforms. Content, applications, and websites must translate effectively to the smaller screen sizes of mobile technology that includes smartphones, tables, laptops, and netbook computers. However, mobile-friendly design involves much more than just shrinking the conventional desktop version to a smaller scale. While consumers often consider mobile-friendly content, apps, and websites to be more user-friendly, developers must first design around certain limitations and constraints associated with this technology. Get Mobile Accessibility Best Practice course

PDF Accessibility

Most people are aware that websites must be accessible to all people, including those who use assistive technology such as screen readers to access information online. But did you know that all documents, such as spreadsheets and PDFs must also be made accessible? This self-paced course will outline how to make portable document formats, or PDFs, accessible. It's a step-by-step guide that details what you can do to make sure your PDFs are readable by everyone. Get PDF Accessibility course

Not sure where to start?

Start with a free analysis of your website's accessibility.